A funny animal pun enamel pin badge featuring a Whale and the words 'Whale Hello There'.
This pin has been made using one of my own quirky illustrations of a friendly whale.
This funny whale enamel pin brooch will make people smile, be a talking point, and will look cute on a bag or jacket! Great for sea-life lovers too.
LOCKING PIN CLASPS NOW AVAILABLE - To help secure your pins whilst you're wearing them or whilst they're pinned onto your bag, coat, or jacket, use locking pin clasps. (See product photos for info). You can add a locking pin clasp to your pin when you place your order.
One pin supplied. This whale pin is from the Wink Design Pin Badge Range. See my other listings for more details.
You can now add a matching 'Whale Hello There!' greetings card - just choose from the dropdown box when placing your order (see photos for images of card)
Please note, these pin brooches are not suitable for children under three years, due to sharp points / small parts. Warning: choking hazard.