Constant worrier? Feeling a little anxious? This little set could be the tool to help...
This set contains:
- an A6 lined Worry List notebook
- two pencils with relaxing sayings ('take a deep breath' and 'let it go')
- all neatly contained in a reusable grey cotton bag.
Write your worries in your Worry List notebook throughout the day, and give yourself a set time (10 or 15 minutes) each day to work through the list.
Is the thing you're worried about within your control? If the answer is no, let it go. If the answer is yes, either address it in your worry time or schedule in some time to deal with it, then let the worry go.
This simple technique has helped me so much to reduce anxiety levels and let go of the things I can't control - I hope it helps you too!
Please note, sharpener is not included.