Our Wheel of the Year art print and booklet brings a closer connection to the seasons.
Observe the Wheel of the Year featuring the eight Pagan feasts that honour the seasons; Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh and Mabon. Celebrated by many Pagans, Wiccans, and other nature-based spiritual traditions.
Extend your connection to nature through the educational booklet which shares the historical significance of each sabbat. Included are rituals and visualisations to practise during each season cultivating a deeper tie to nature and strengthens your place within it. Lovingly crafted by illustrator Anna Alsop for Moon Phase Studios. Anna has a keen eye for detail and a high level of illustrative skills as shown in the intricate artwork reverse side has an illustration of the Holly King and the Oak King - a personification of summer and winter representing the changing seasons. A perfect gift for Tarot readers, spiritual healers and lovers of an alternative lifestyle.
Hangers (small) sold separately.