The gift that keeps on giving - 36 fun 'Dad' challenges in a box, designed to create lasting memories throughout the year.
We all have goals, aspirations, things we have always dreamed of doing in our lifetimes. Many of us may have a 'bucket list'. But most of us have regrets about the way we spend our precious time on this planet: Perhaps we haven't spent enough time doing the little fun things in life that allow us to spend more time with family/friends/the kids? Maybe we haven't attempted something new or a little different? Laughed out loud with loved ones doing something to break the mould of 'normal life'. We need to challenge ourselves more and put these ideas into practice!
'Dad Challenges' offers just this - the opportunity to challenge Dad with 36 pre-written tasks.
Whether they love the outdoors, or prefer something more easy going, this is the gift designed to challenge & make memories to last for a lifetime.
** ** Further to customer feedback all challenge boxes now contain 36 brand new challenges as standard - some for Dad to tackle by himself, some for the children to get involved with and some to undertake as a whole family.** **
Contained in a bespoke box designed by artist Lucy Tapper, each colour co-ordinated challenge has been carefully hand picked by the team at FromLucy and sealed so as not to spoil the suprise! Some will make you think, some will encourage teamwork, and some will just make you giggle, but all will provide the opportunity to spend quality family time together.
The challenges cover a wide range of activities, from 'test drive your dream car' to 'build a go-cart' - all challenges have helpful hints or tips too. Make of them what you want - make them simple or difficult to suit, but most of all, make them fun!
The box can be personalised with the name of the recipient by adding a name above the title 'Dad Challenges' This would then read for eg: Michael's Dad Challenges, My Dad's Dad Challenges, or Simon's Dad Challenges) to make it a unique and unforgettable gift.