A handmade cow necklace, full of diminutive detail to fall in love with.
This calf pendant was created to show our appreciation for these gentle, intelligent, often overlooked creatures, and start a conversation about farming practices and how we treat animals.
We have tried to capture all the calf’s most fetching features, from the bendy little legs, taking those first few tentative steps, to the trusting, sweet wide-eyed face, and distinctive patch markings, made using oxidised silver. Given the many meat and dairy alternatives available in our part of the world, maybe it is time to adopt a more compassionate way of living.
Cows are intelligent animals, who remember things and form complex relationships with others. In the wild, cows can live for 20 -30 years, but on dairy farms, straight after birth male calves are either shot or trucked off to veal farms or cattle ranches where they end up as hamburger meat. Female cows are kept alive for four or five years, stuffed with hormones, and constantly milked before being sent to slaughter.