Know a honey lover or honey loving family? Thrill them for a year with 12 different raw honeys and support small scale British beekeepers too!
Every two months you’ll receive 2 different honeys from small scale British beekeepers, complete with the beekeepers’ stories, and interesting facts about bees and honey: 12 honeys in 6 deliveries. And even better news - these aren't those small taster jars, but 224 g / 8 oz so big enough to keep you going until the next delivery!
Each honey is specific to a single apiary and harvest, with its flavours created only by nature - absolutely delicious.
The first Honey Club delivery can be sent to you, or to the new member. The next 5 deliveries will be despatched to the member in the first week of the month, at 2 monthly intervals.
‘just to say thank you so much for the perfect and punctual birthday subscription I had ordered for the woman who has everything, she loves it and is so looking forward to the remaining deliveries! All absolutely perfect’ Cornelia, Scotland
Raw British honey
We only have the best high-quality British honeys and know the woodlands and meadows that have made every one of them. By working in partnership with our community of beekeepers we can bring their local honeys to market so that more of us can eat sustainably and healthily. You’ll be discovering honey straight from the bees just as the beekeeper can because all our beekeepers have done is simply spun the honey out of the frame and run it through a sieve - nothing else - so it’s as close to what the beekeeper tastes when they spoon a little taster out from the hive as a special treat!
Our small-scale beekeepers
All our beekeepers care deeply about the landscape their bees inhabit. To help their bees they bring ancient woodlands back to life, work with landowners and developers to bring in bee-friendly practices, plant meadows, and tend to gardens keeping them full of pollinator friendly plants.
We visit all our beekeepers to see where the honeys come from and to make sure that we only work with beekeepers who prioritise their bees’ welfare over maximising honey production: all our beekeepers only take honey when their bees have more than enough to keep themselves fed through winter.
Help British beekeepers
All of our beekeepers are great advocates and custodians of our natural world, and our mission is to help them and their bees to survive and thrive. And then we will too!