Add the finishing touch to any sofa or chair with this unique, personalised book spine cushion.
A proof will be emailed to you to approve before your cushion is made if you select this option. We no not charge for changes. Each time you request a change, you will be emailed a new proof to check, free of charge.
A quirky way to document the "stories of your lives" - shared together as a couple or a family. Name the books according to your most memorable moments shared. You can add your marriage date, children's names and birth dates, houses lived, places travelled, family hobbies & interests, favourite past-times... Just about anything that is meaningful to you!
Add a short phrase of your choice at the top, eg "The Taylor Family" and another short phrase of your choice along the bottom eg: "The Stories Of Our Lives".
There are 16 book spines to personalise. You don't need to personalise all of them, but please do look at the NUMBERED BOOK DIAGRAM IMAGE (4th picture) to choose which book you would like your text to be placed on.