The perfect gift to send direct to somebody who needs a little self-care, perfect for a teacher too!
This gift can arrive in one of two ways:
1. In the postal box with silver vinyl sticker. It is best sent direct as it has the postage label on the front. Inside the items are wrapped in white polka dot tissue with a silver ribbon.
2. Upgrade to a luxury white gift box (best if you are having it sent back to you for you to gift it on). This is blank on the front.The items inside of the luxury gift box are wrapped in white polka dot tissue paper and soft shredded white paper to protect the items.
This gift set includes:
- The 5 Minute Journal - Featuring daily prompts to encourage you to reflect and focus your thoughts, alongside more in-depth check-ins and challenges, as well as inspiring quotes to keep you motivated throughout the year, this is the only journal you need to bring positivity, happiness and thankfulness into your life.
- Mindfulness cards by LSW. Designed to help you to become more mindful of your thoughts and feelings and give you the tools needed to look after your mental health & happiness, focus on the present and spread positivity & self care throughout your life. By introducing positive habits into your everyday, Mind Cards will give you the self gift of creating the healthiest and happiest life for you.
- Caramel Sea Salt Fudge by Cocoba. Great Taste Award Winner.
- Soap of your choice by The Dartmoor Soap Company. Natural soap handmade in small batches using natural ingredients which, wherever possible, are sustainably sourced and harvested locally.
- Floral or birthday card.
Choice to add the following items:
- Wish bracelet by Wishstrings.
- Luxury chocolate bar. We have a vegan option too.
- Organic Bath Milk - soothing, calming and gentle. Rose & ylang ylang.