Our matching mother and daughter leather handbag set is the perfect luxury gift for Mum on Mother’s Day from a little girl who wants to be just like her Mama. The set includes two leather handbags in a matching envelope shape, so mum and daughter can have fun playing dress-up or hitting the town in their twinning outfits. Plus, the handcrafted leather bags are personalised with your names or initials in gold foil to make them even more special.
Handmade from sustainably sourced, premium quality British leather and made in the UK, in our studio in the New Forest to be exact. Our bags are made with a clever origami design that’s seamless with no need for stitching, and held tight by secure brass poppers. Mum’s leather bag has an adjustable strap and is big enough to hold her everyday essentials - phone, keys, coin purse - and our mini bag is perfect for little trinkets and treasures: pocket-money pennies, beads and sparkles.
Choose from our selection of eight leather colour - our leather bags are available in pink, mint, lilac, orange, tan brown, black and leopard print leather. Each bag is subtly stamped with the Sbri brandmark underneath the flap and finished with your golden names or initials. Please ensure all spelling is correct as text requests will be copied exactly as entered.
Your personalised leather bags will arrive in a Sbri hessian gift bag as standard.
*Contents not included*