'The Billy Bundle' is a very special pack, dedicated to our son Billy. The pack consists of 'Numbers' and 'Writing'. flashcards... and here's why...
Happy Little Doers began with the Numbers pack, created when Billy was 2.5 years old at the start of the global pandemic during the first lockdown. Billy was at the age where he was starting to count with day to day items so we would write down the numbers and dots on a separate piece of paper for him to match up. He always wanted to count higher and so we found a simple way of being able to count higher by developing our first ever flashcards.
Billy has continued keen to learn and has been our chief tester ever since - testing our Numbers Extension, Shapes & Phonics before learning his handwriting. However, it was at this point that Billy could recognise numbers and letters but struggled in drawing numbers and letters formation. The pack has been a firm favourite of our chief tester which is why 'The Billy Bundle' has been created.
Happy Little Doers flagship product. Count all the way to 110, create simple sums, learn through fun activities and more. Perfect for little ones starting their number learning journey!
Start to learn handwriting with our bright, double-sided, wipeable and reusable flashcards. Create and write your own simple words and build an understanding of letter and number formations.