A hanging glass vase money plant terrarium kit.
This terrarium kit comes with a glass vase, succulent soil, gravels, money plants, and detailed assembly and care instructions. By following the assembly instructions, it will be super easy to put your terrarium together.
Money plant is also called Jade Plant and Money Tree. The plants you will receive are cuttings, and they will start rooting after a few weeks.
The terrarium can be hung anywhere you can think of. Wall, window catch, picture hook, handle...
Great for a home decoration or as a gift.
You can choose to add a ladybird sticker or a sheep figurine.
If you choose to add a gift card, please use the "Ask Seller" button to let us know your gift message. If you choose gift wrapping, we will use a luxury gift box to pack your order. Please see the photo of our available gift boxes.